Membership |
How can you associate with us...
The governing council may invite persons of eminence in various fields as patrons of the Society.
Associate Members
We invite eminent expert or prestigious organisations to be associalted & to guide us to the furtherance of the aims and objectives of the organization.
Honorary Members
We invite /nominate Honorary Members to the council, any person / organisation who have rendered distinguished service in the field of Social welfare and Development of the society similar to the objects of our society.
Corporate Members
As a Corporate Member, any department of the government, university, institute, joint stock company, society, public sector undertaking, organisation of manufacturers or traders who are interested in the objectives of the society and fund the organization to achieve the same.
Student Members
We invite students of post graduate, M.Phil., Ph.D., post Doctoral, etc. who are engaged in research work or have interest in welfare and developmental activities and would like to avail facilities of the council such as library, research guidance, secretariat assistance etc.
Our Small Initiatives
We provided necessary forum for identifying the general and specific problems of the underprivileged children, aged and poor in the society and formulation & implementation of plans, projects, policies and programs to look after these underprivileged, specially the children and women, aged & social research and development through seminars, symposium, conferences, etc.
We did a research on the subjects pertaining to the social, economic, development of children, women ,aged and the backward sections of the society.
We have tried to organize short-term and long-term education, studies and training facilities for persons in the social sector and those planning a career in social sector, either directly or through reputed national / international/regional level Institutions / Bodies.
We have established a small library and data bank to facilitate research and studies on the Socio-economic aspects.
We tried to generate public opinion at ground levels for social and economic development.
We undertook specific task and programs for welfare and development of the selected backward regions.
We organized campaigns in the areas selected for motivational programs and training among the people lacking awareness about various developmental programs and measures of the Government and other agencies.